Badal and Kreyling Backroads Tennessee
"Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God."
Alma 18:34-35

Monday, January 2, 2012

E-mail #1 of 2012 1/2/2012 Week 89

Carta # 1 de enero 1 del 2011

Hola familia!

Well, L. just moved from his apartment/motel deal to a trailer with some friends. But he isn't quite sure what the address for it, so the members couldn't pick him up for church and we haven't been able to see him since he moved. But we aren't losing hope. It is plain to see that the adversary doesn't want him to be confirmed and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thankfully the Lord is on our side, and we know he will provide a way for this to happen.

I can't remember if I told y'all or not about the ward directory that Bishop R. gave us. He highlighted a bunch of members for us to see, and he dotted members that he doesn't know much about. As we've seen the dotted ones, we find out that some have moved; sometimes like ten years ago! We've found some that really aren't to receptive to us. But there have been those few that have let us in, and we've had the chance to help some less actives come back. It's really exciting to see. There was one of those "dots" as we call them. It turns out that she lives in the same house as an active member. This member’s daughter was a member, but she just recently passed away. But her grandson is nine and apparently, he really wants to be baptized. His dad has agreed to bring him to her home for lessons. We haven't met him yet. His name is I. btw. But it seems that he has a lot of potential to be baptized in the next little bit

Last night we went on a team up with hermano A. of the Spanish branch. He's the first counselor. There are some Spanish members down in Maryville and we went all the way down there to see them! Take a look on a map to see how far it is. But we saw two families down there. The R. are pretty active. We saw a member named P. and his wife. Apparently they have a young daughter who isn't baptized. I'm not sure how old she is exactly this is just what hermano A. told me. P. just started reactivating himself. Hopefully the whole family starts attending church and all that. I'll let you know more about the daughter when I find out more.

Last night and part of today it snowed a bit! As we were driving last night it was a bit slick in some parts, but we didn't have any problems. It's crazy though because so many people here don't know how to drive in the snow. Thankfully, it's gone now. There may still be some ice in some places because it's pretty cold. Thanks for the blue jacket thing. I'm going to be using the hand warmers and a lot of layers during the winter. Oh btw we are losing our car, so we will be in a car share with the other pleasant ridge elders. So it's going to be like Dalton! It's going to be a challenge that will stretch us, but we are up for it.

Well, I don't have my camera with me this week, but hopefully I'll remember next week, so I can send some pictures. Things here are going well. Tell J. that I say thanks for the Christmas card and I love her. My prayers are with you all. Take care and have a great week! Love y'all and tell everyone else I love them!


Elder Kreyling

Las preguntas de mamá

Q. ¿Como estas hijito? How are you doing son?
Bien! Good!

Q. ¿Cómo va la obra del Señor en tu área?
How is the lord’s work going?
A. Bien. Good.

Q. ¿Qué a pasado con L.?
What has happened with L. ?
A. Todavía no ha sido confirmado. Se mudo a otra casa pero no sabe la dirección entonces no podemos visitarle por ahora. He still has not been confirmed. He moved to another house, but doesn’t know the address, so we can’t visit him for now.

Q. ¿Te llego el dear elder?
Did you get the dear elder?
Si. Muchas gracias! Me gusto el mensaje de la hna. H. Yes. Thank you very much! I liked sis. H. message.

Q. ¿Que a pasado con la familia de M, S. Y C. y los R’s? What has happened with the M.S. & C. family and the R’s?
A. Nada. Nothing.

Q. ¿Cómo estás de tu estomago, has usado los aceites doTerra?
How are you doing with your stomach, have you used the doTerra oils?
A. No todo. Pero si los he usado. Not all of them. But yes I have used them.

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