Badal and Kreyling Backroads Tennessee
"Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God."
Alma 18:34-35

Monday, April 16, 2012

E-mail #16 of 2012 4/16/2012 Week 104

Elder Kreyling Two Years Ago As He Starts His Mission

Elder Barry Kreyling's Last E-mail From The Mission Field

Hola familia!!!
Nelson and one of his sons were at church yesterday! I don't doubt that their family will join the church in the near future Everyone else is about the same.
Well, I received a letter from dad on saturday. It said, " I know that you're having mixed feelings. That's normal" Dad, you were spot on. As excited as I am to see family and friends again I wish that this experience could be prolonged. Good byes are hard... It is a very bittersweet feeling. Well, in zone leader council and a couple of conference calls that we've had I've been asked to share my testimony and I'm glad to do that again...
I have loved being a missionary. I will always love and appreciate this opportunity that I've had to serve the Lord and his children here. This is the greatest cause that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of. I know that this is the Lord's work and that he is the master and author of it. I know that this is the best thing that I could have done these past two years. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and. They have done so much for me. I am eternally indebted to them. I know that they love us all and that their love is eternal and perfect. Jesus is the Christ. He atoned for our sins. I know that Christ invites all men to repent and to come unto him He has the power to cleanse and heal us. He knows us personally. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for everything they have done for me and for everyone. I know that the Restoration of the Church and Gospel of Jesus Christ took place through Joseph Smith. The spirit has testified to me on several occasions that he indeed is the prophet of the Restoration. I testify that this Church and Gospel are true. I have seen them change the lives of many people. They have changed my life. I know that the coming forth of the Book of Mormon took place as part of the Restoration. I know it is true scripture as is the Bible because it has brought me closer to Christ. I testify that the Plan of Salvation is the Lord's work and glory that provides the way for us to return to his presence after this life. I know that because of this plan our families have the opportunity to be eternal, to live together forever. I'm so grateful for this knowlege. I love all of you whether I know you personally or not. I know that these things are true and I testify of them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you all for everything that you've done to support and help me. I love and appreciate all of y'all Take care and I'll see you soon!!!
Elder Barry Kreyling
Q. ¿Qué ha pasado con Lauren, está progresando?
A. Esta progresando lo mismo.
Q. ¿Saben algo de las M.?
A. No.
Q. ¿Cuántas corbatas tienes? Necesito que las traigas todas porque quiero usarlas para un proyecto con los Presbíteros de nuestro barrio.
A. 30 mas o menos.
Q. ¿Necesitas dinero para mandar las cajas y tu bicicleta? Yo deposite más dinero en la cuenta para que mandes tus cosas.
A. Si, conseguire mas.

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