Badal and Kreyling Backroads Tennessee
"Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God."
Alma 18:34-35

Monday, March 14, 2011

E-mail #11 of 2011 3/14 /2011 Week 47

The Most Peaceful He'd Felt in a Long Time

Hola familia!
Well, things are going well here. Oh, our new investigator M. She is doing well. Oh, so my second Sunday here the ward seemed concerned with her getting baptized because she is having a baby out of wed lock. So, we tried telling them that we had already taught her the law of chastity and that she understands that what she did was wrong and she committed to
live the law of chastity. I'm not exactly sure why they were concerned so much about it. We didn't see the problem they did so we left President Griffin a message about it that day. Then, I believe it was on wed our ward mission leader told us that the stake said that we can't teach
her. It was pretty crazy for a while. Then, President Griffin called us and we told him about the ward's concern and that they told us not to teach her. In the end he told us that she can be baptized and so we are still teaching her . So, she is doing well and she is on track for her baptism on Saturday! Then, yesterday we taught the brother of a member in the Spanish ward. Claudio, the investigator, went to church yesterday and was saying that it was the most peaceful he'd felt in a long time. We had a really good lesson with him on the Doctrine of Christ. In the lesson he accepted a soft baptismal commitment. At the end of the lesson he offered the prayer. We were hoping for a moment of silence after the prayer but then his bro was like alright well thanks for coming over! Haha aw man. I bet he is the next one that we commit for a date. I'll let y'all know how it goes with him next time. We also have a few others but we aren't sure how legit they are right now. So, I'll let you know about them next time if they are legit or not. But, I need to get going so I can email President Griffin now. Just know that everything is great and I love y'all!!!

Elder Kreyling

Q. Hablaste con el presidente acerca de tu tío? (Did you talk to the President about your uncle?)

A. No, voy a hacer eso después de que les mande esta carta. (Not yet , I'm going to after I send you this letter.)

Q. Alguna experiencia espiritual esta semana y porque? (Any spiritual experiences this week and why?)

A. Si, ensenamos el hermano (Claudio) de un miembro (Víctor) ayer. Fue una buena lección!Claudio acepto un compromiso suave bautismal (soft baptismal commitment. (Yes, we taught the brother(Claudio) of a member (Victor) yesterday. It was a good lesson. He accepted a soft baptismal commitment.)

Q. De qué ciudad en Washington es tu nuevo comp? (What city in Washington is your companion from?)

A. Richland AKA The Tricities

Q. Escritura favorita de esta semana? La mía es Moroni 7: 45-47 Habla acerca de caridad. (Your favorite scripture this week? Mine is Moroni 7:45 - 47 it talks about charity.)

A. Creo que esta escritura fue mi favorita una vez en el pasado. Pero, Mosiah 2 : 41. La usamos en la lección con Víctor y Claudio. ( I think that thay scripture was my favorite one time. But, Mosiah 2:41. We used it in the lesson with Victor and Claudio.)

Q. Himno favorito de esta semana? El mío es 187 God loved us that he sent his son. (Favorite hymn this week? Mine is "God Loved us so He Sent His Son."

A. Because I have been given much.

Q. Cómo va el trabajo? (How is the work going?)

A. Bien! (Good!)

Q. Tu área nueva es grande o pequeña? Cuéntanos algo en especial y único del área. (Is your new area big or small? Tell us something special and unique about the area?)

A. es media (medium?) Hmmm algo en especial y unico... Hay muchísimas personas hispanas aquí! Y también it has a well known carpet factory. (It's medium size. Hmmm something special and unique... There are a lot of Hispanic people here! And also it has a well known carpet factory.)

Q. Conseguiste la tarjeta para la biblioteca? (Did you get your library card?)

A. No, estoy mandando esta carta del biblioteca de la colegia en Dalton. (No, I am sending this from the college library in in Dalton.)

Q. Encontraron nuevos investigadores en español esta semana? (Did you find any new Hispanic investigators this week.)

A. Si, Claudio y una mujer que se llama Adriana. (Yes, Claudio and a woman named Adriana.)

Q. Quien es tu contacto favorito de esta semana y por qué? (Who is your favorite contact this week and why?)

A. Claudio porque es legit! (Claudio because he is legit!)

Q. Come les va con M.? (How's it going with M.?)

A. Bien, Ella nos dijo (Good. She told us) how much she appreciates us and everything. She basically told us that when she first met us that Jesus told her to listen to us and do the things that we talk about. She is looking good for her baptism this Saturday!

Q. Recibiste los dear elder? (Did you receive the Dear Elder?)

A. No

Q. Sabes lo que quieres te mandemos en la próxima caja? (Do you know what you want us to send you in the next package?)

A. A scripture mastery card, there's this book of gospel pictures from the distribution centerthat I'd like and I'll have to write y'all a card because I don't have the paper that I wrote that stuff down with me right now.

Q. Necesitas medicina o vitaminas? (Do you need any medicine or vitamins?)

A. No gracias, estoy bien. (No thanks, I am fine.)

Q. Que paso con los zapatos y el pantalón? (What happened with the shoes and pants?)

A. Todavía los tengo. Voy a llevar los pantalones pero todavía no se a quien debo dar los zapatos. (I still have them. I'm going to wear the pants but I still don't know who I should give the shoes to.)

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