Badal and Kreyling Backroads Tennessee
"Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God."
Alma 18:34-35

Monday, March 7, 2011

E-mail #10 of 2011 3/7 2011 Week 46


Hola familia,

Hey I don't have much time again. I still need to get a library card. So, this will be a short letter. I will talk with President Griffin about unlce Jule and get back to you. This past week we baptized William and his son Donald. Yay! It was a good spiritual experience. Marlene is still doing well. The Bishop has a problem with her getting baptized which I'll explain next time. But, I think she'll still get baptized. Overall the work here is going well. We are having a bit more success in the english work than the spanish right now which is a bit backwards. But, we will get things evened out soon. But, yes I only have like two mins left right now so I need to finish up. Everything is going well and I'm fine. I love y'all and hope y'all have a great week!


Elder Kreyling

1. Are you being obedient?

A. Yes

2. Are you working hard?

A. Yes

3. Are you writing in your journal?

A. Yes

4. Are you taking lots of pictures?

A. Mas o menos. Haha I'm working on it.

5. Are you praying often?

A. Yes

6. Are you being a good companion?

A. I believe so.

7. Do you love the people where you serve?

A. Of course!

Preguntas de la Madre: (Remember son, this is a letter to the world)

Q. ¿Cómo has estado de salud? (How has your health been?)

A. Bien (Good)

Q. ¿Cómo es tu nueva área? (How is your new area?)

A. Bien (Good)

Q. ¿Vives en casa o apartamento? (Do you live in a house or apartment?)

A. Apartamento (Apartment)

Q. ¿A qué distancia les queda la capilla? (How far is the church?)

A. Como tres miles (millas?) algo asi (About three miles or something like that)

Q. ¿Alguna experiencia espiritual esta semana y porque? (Any spiritual experiences this week and why.)

A. El bautismo! (The baptism)

Q. ¿Escritura favorita de esta semana? la mía es D y C 1 23:12 información para misioneros (Favorite scripture of the week? Mine is D&C 123:12)

A. Alma 7 11-14

Q. ¿Cómo te fue con tu nuevo compañero en la primera semana? (How was your first week with your new companion?)

A. Bien. (Good)

Q. ¿De dónde es Elder Hedgecock y cuanto tiempo tiene en la misión? (Where is Elder Hedgecock from and how long has he been out?)

A. Washington state. 21 meses (months)

Q. ¿Cómo les fue en la iglesia esta semana? (How did it go in church on Sunday?)

A. Bien, M. asistio la iglesia. (Good. M. came to church)

Q. ¿Nuevos contactos esta semana? (Any new contacts this week)

A. Darlene. Le comprometimos por bautismo. (Darlene. We committed her for baptism.)

Q. ¿Se bautizo William el sábado y su hijo? (Did William and his son get baptized?

A. Si. (Yes)

Q. ¿Todavía tienen el bautizo con Marlene para el 16? (Do you still have Marlene's baptism on the 16th?)

A. Si. (Yes)

Q. ¿Himno favorito de esta semana? el mío es # 142 dulce hora de oración. (Your favorite hymn of the week? Mine is 142 Sweet Hour of Prayer.)

A. Soy un hijo de dios (I am a Child of God)

Q. ¿Has orado para saber a quién le vas a dar los zapatos? I will still send you another pair. (Have you prayed to know who to give the shoes to?)

A. No, no conozco muchas personas aqui pero voy a hacer eso. The same kind just a bit smaller? (No, I don't know many people here but I am going to do that.)

Q. Since we are sending another pkg, is there anything else you need like herbs or vitamins or anything?

A. Um, I don't need that package super soon. So, I'll pray about this too and get back to ya.

Q. Are you in a car or a bike area now?

A. Car share. We get the car one week and then are one bikes the next week.

Q. Does the car have a lighter? We found the GPS, but can’t find the electric charger for it.

A. Yes it has a lighter thing.

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