Bring Back The Lost Sheep
Hola Familia!
Well, this week has been great! We have been working hard and it's paying off. This past Thursday the assistants brought us a car! It's not brand new like we had before but it's a car. Yay! This week we had a cottage meeting with the E. Family at the Beasley's home. We taught them the Ten Commandments. W.E. is still doing really well. We saw SR a few times this week. The other Elders had a baptism on Tuesday and he came to that. Before the baptism we taught S. the Law of Chastity. Then, we saw the baptism which was really awesome. We saw S. another day and taught him about Tithes and Fast Offerings. Then, he went to church yesterday! After church we sat down with him and Bro. Cox, our ward mission leader, and planned out his baptism. He's getting baptized this Thursday! He's doing really great. We just have to teach him a couple more commandments and have his interview and he'll be good to go! That's our main highlight for this week
We had the English class again. It went well but U. didn't come. We are going to try to see her soon. I'll let y'all know what happens.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but President Monson for a while now has had "the Rescue" program going. The ward council selects 15 less active or recent convert families and we missionaries teach them the lessons. The program is to help bring back the lost sheep and also to have more baptisms. The families have a goal like coming back to church or going to the temple. They are ordinance based goals. The E family is on it. We are also having success with the B family. They have been coming to church and are doing quite well! There is also a brother, J D, who is starting to come back because of the rescue program. It's exciting! Well, that's about all of the highlights for the week.
Thanks for the package! I thought I had sent you both memory cards but we'll get things straightened out there. I'll try sending a letter this week. But, I think that's about everything this week. The Church is True!!! I love y'all thanks for everything!
Elder Kreyling
Las preguntas semanales de mamá:
Q. Qué tal? (What's up?)
A. Nada mucho. (Notthing much)
Q. Cómo va la obra?(How is the work going?)
A. Muy bien! (Very well)
Q. Qué hay de Nuevo con todos los investigadores con los que estaban trabajando? ( How is everything going with the investigators)
A. S. va a bautizarse este jueves que viene! (S. is getting baptized Thursday!)
Q. En qué forma te afecto los cambios la semana pasada? (In what way did transfers effect you?)
A. Nada se cambio entonces ninguna forma. (We didn't get transferred so no effect)
Q. Te cambiaron de zona? (Did they change your area?)
A. No, todavia estoy en Dalton! (No I'm still in Dalton!)
Q. Todavía estas trabajando en español? (Are you still working in Spanish?)
A. Si (Yes)
Q. Siempre estudias Español por una hora diaria? (Do you still study Spanish for an hour a day?)
A. Si (Yes)
Q. Estas aprendiendo nuevas palabras cada día? Cuantas ? ( Are you learning new words each day? How many?)
A. Si, no se cuantas. Algo asi. (Yes but I don't know how many.)
Q. Quales son las nuevas palabras que aprendiste esta semana? (What are the words you have learned this week?)
A. No me acuerdo en este momento. ( I don't remember at this moment.)
Q. Recibiste el paquete? (Did you get the package?)