Badal and Kreyling Backroads Tennessee
"Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God."
Alma 18:34-35

Monday, July 25, 2011

E-mail #30 of 2011 7/25/2011 Week 66

Hola familia!

This week has been really great! We had a FHE with the E. family at Obispo Torres' house on monday evening. We had the activity where we would hid a piece of candy and they would have to find it. The rest of us acted as the spirit and we would quietly whisper if they were hot or cold. Then, if they paid attention to the "whisperings of the spirit" they would find the candy. We related that to how they can get their own testimonies about the Book of Mormon and these things as they read, pray, go to church and listen to the spirit. Then, later on in the week we met with them again. The mom isn't able to read the words in a regular Book of Mormon. So, we showed her how she can read it in larger print on We also started over with the Restoration because it's hard to catch them when they're all together. Also, the mom hasn't heard it from the beginning and we felt that it would just be best to start over. But, overall they're doing really well. We celebrated Pioneer day at a members home on saturday. Both the english and spanish wards were there and we were also allowed to invite our investigators. There were a lot of people there and quite a few investigators. And guess what... The E. went also! It was really sweet! Elder Taggart went around to different members of the spanish ward, and some from the english who can speak spanish, asking them to introduce themselves and help fellowship the E. Family. Oh, I forgot to mention that the dad wasn't there but the rest of the family was. He works most days so sometimes we don't teach him when we go to teach the family. Anyways, there were several activities and the kids looked like they were really enjoying themselves. Then, as pioneer day was ending we committed them to come to church and they said yes. The next morning we were waiting out in the foyer for them. Sacrament meeting had already started. Then, I went over to the door during the sacramental hymn to look outside and there they were walking up to the church! I excitedly whispered to Elder Taggart, "They're hear they're here!" Not only did the whole E. family come but E., the oldest, brought two of her friends! They came inside and stayed for all of the meetings. The Gospel Principles class was on eternal families and the member who taught it was sealed to his family in the Temple the day before! It was pretty awesome. They got good fellowship and seemed to enjoy themselves. After church we tried committing them for baptism because we have been told to commit them at church. They didn't say yes or no. They said they want to learn a bit more first. But, we are having another FHE with them tonight. Please continue to pray for them. They are a sweet family!

We saw U. this week and read 2 Nephi 32. She committed to go to church but she didn't show. We are going to follow up on that this week.

Oh, the sisters had a baptism this week. That went well. Then we taught the B. family. They also fed us while we were there

Bro. J. D. is doing well now. He brought his boys to church again and we are hopefully going to start teaching them the lessons this week.

We also saw Bro. S. R. He is still doing really well. This week he is going on a teamup with us!

Well, hopefully this has been long enough for y'all. These are all the highlights I can think of at the moment. Things are going really well here and we pray that things will continue like this. Tell grandma happy birthday and congrats on their anniversary of being sealed! I love y'all and hope y'all have a great week!


Elder Barry Kreyling

Las Preguntas semanales de mamá

Q. ¿Como estas?

A. Muy bien gracias.

Q. ¿Nuevas palabras esta semana?

A. Did I already tell you about sobrenadar: to float.

Q. ¿Te llego el Dear Elder?

A. Si. Dos de hecho!

Q. ¿Te llego la caja?

A. The box or the envelope thing? I got the envelope with the fourth missionary thing. I haven't had a chance to do that yet but I will read it soon.

Q. ¿Tienes algo que contarnos?

A. La familia E. asistio a la iglesia ayer!!!!!!!

Q. ¿Encontraron nuevos investigadores esta semana?

A. Si, dos. Una se llama Gina. Vamos a visitarle esta noche. El otro se llama J. G. El es esposo de una miembro de la iglesia. Ella es menos activa y esta en el plan de rescate. Les visitamos y les compartimos un mensage pequeno sobre la oracion familiar. El hizo la ultima oracion

Q. ¿Tienes preguntas para nosotros esta semana?

A. Hey did you really find the memory card that I sent you or did you just buy a new one? Both of the ones you have sent are empty.

Monday, July 18, 2011

E-Mail #29 of 2011

Hola familia!
You're going on vacation without me?! I'm just kidding. That sounds like it will be a blast. Ok, so one of the highlights for this week is that there was another emergency transfer and... I'm still in Dalton! On monday evening Elder Phippen went to Knoxville to be whitewash and be one of the zone leaders up there. I was made senior comp to Elder Taggart. This is his third transfer not including the MTC. He is from Tooele and he is a great guy and missionary. He's really into music and art and stuff like that. It should be a good transfer!
We saw the E. family this week. The oldest daughter, E., seems to be progressing the most right now. But, they are all awesome. They didn't make it to church again. But, we are going to be having a FHE with them tonight. They were the ones who asked us about it when we were there one time with Hna. Torres. That was pretty cool We have some pretty sweet teaching activities for the kids. Please pray for them!
The Elder family moved from our area to East's area this past week. So, we'll still see them at church and everything but we won't be teaching them any more. S. R. is still doing very well. He passed the sacrament again yesterday! We are seeing him again this tuesday. I might have forgotten to tell you this because she moved from our area but M. was baptized a while ago. We were still able to see the baptism and everything. Then, I was asked to confirm her which was pretty cool She has come to church on and off.
Ok, so in the English ward there is a less active named J. D. that we are teaching. We just started this past week. He was having a hard time at first but he's doing better now. He brought his sons to church this week. We are going to start teaching them but only one can be baptized right now. Things are looking pretty well there. The B. are still doing well. We stopped by and taught them the doctrine of Christ and asked them for a referral. The have someone in mind. We are just waiting to get their info. We may have them invite them to a lesson this week.
Well, that's about everything this week. It's been pretty exciting and eventful! I know the church and the work are true! I love being a missionary!!! I love y'all and hope y'all have a great week!
Elder Kreyling
And here we go again with the weekly question from Mom!
Q. ¿Cómo les fue en la cena el martes pasado en la case del hermano Cox?
A. Muy bien. Le ensenamos sobre el plan de salvacion.
Q. ¿Cómo les fue con la noche de hogar con la familia E.?
A. Ellos no asistieron. Pero, vamos a tener otra esta noche.
Q. ¿Está progresando U.?
A. Mas o menos. Esta leyendo y orando. Tuvimos una buena leccion sobre las familias eternas. Ella quiere una familia eterna y quiere bautizarse. El obispo le hablo dos domingos atras y ella le dijo que va a "propose" a su novio si el no lo hace! Lo creo haha.
Q. ¿Fueron a ver a la familia hispana en Chattanooga?
A. No, ellos fueron a Atlanta y van a regresar manana. Las hermanas alla van a hablarnos pronto.
Q. ¿Cuáles son las palaras nuevas que aprendiste esta semana?
A. I did learn muddy but I can't really remember it right now haha.
Q. ¿Encontraron nuevos investigadores esta semana?
A. No.
Q. ¿Cuántas veces a la semana cocinas?
A. Unas.
Q. ¿Te llego el dear elder?
A. He recibido uno durante las semanas pasadas. Me han mandado otro?
Q. Hay algo en particular que necesitas que te mande?
A. Un DVD de la iglesia. Tiene las peliculas "Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration", "Mountain of the Lord", "The Testaments" y una cosa mas creo. Tambien un libro de picturas. The one that has pictures from the standard works. I just thought it would be good to have sometimes for teaching children.
Q. ¿Cómo te va con manejar?
A. Esta bien. Esta semane tenemos el carro.

Monday, July 11, 2011

E-mail #28 of 2011 7/11/2011 Week 64

Hola familia!
Como estan uds? Aqui todo esta bien. Sorry to hear about Walter. Tell grandma she's in my prayers. It's good to hear that Mckay's doing good with his new comp. Tell the Wrights I said hi! Yes, you really found the memory card?! I thought I had sent it. I was getting worried for a while. That was an answer to my prayers btw
Well, this week has been good. S. passed the sacrament on Sunday. He's doing really well. We are going to have dinner and a lesson with him at Bro. Cox's "ward mission leader" house on tuesday.
This past week we found a really great spanish family! La familia E. We taught them using the Restoration DVD and a cup activity where we build the church of Jesus Christ. Then, to represent the wicked people and the great apostasy we have a ball and we throw it at the cups and they fall just like the church did. Then, we talk about the Restoration through Joseph Smith and rebuild the original and true church of Jesus Christ. We used the activity because there are four kids in the family. And we heard that another child is in Mexico. Anyways, we wanted to have something to get the kids involved so we used this activity. It went well. Oh, we saw them with sis Torres, the bishop's wife, and her kids. We brought the kids too because they know the kids from this family. It all worked out quite well. Then, sis Torres invited the E. to family home evening tonight! So, we are having FHE with them tonight and we are hoping all goes well with it
We saw U. and she is doing ok. She didn't go to church yesterday. When we saw her we talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon. We left her with an assignment to read Alma 32.
We also have a spanish family in Chattanooga that we are going to see. The sisters there have been teaching while the kids translate. But, they called us up and asked if we could go. So, we are going to try to set an appointment and get a ride there.
We met President and Sis Irion this week! They are awesome and quite funny He is a doctor I forgot what it's called but he delivered babies. Are a lot of mission Presidents doctors? Anyway, he hasn't served a mission before. So, in my interview he said he's new to this so I'll be learning to be patient and forgiving haha
That's about it for the work this week. It was mostly in spanish. We will have two spanish families to teach once we can set something up for the fam in Chattanooga
Well, I know the church is true. I love y'all! And have a great week! I'll talk to y'all next week!
Elder Barry Kreyling

La lista de preguntas de mamá de esta semana:

Q. ¿Cuáles son las palabras nuevas que aprendiste esta semana?

A. Que padre. It's slang for "how cool". O, es una familia muy padre. It's a very cool family Los cuetes. I think that's what the member said. It's fireworks Hey have you ever heard of the verb "desopilar"? I found it in my dictionary and it means to roar with laughter haha

Q. ¿Qué hicieron el 4 de Julio?

A. Jugamos con the llamas. Y luego fuimos con el hermano valdez a tratar de visitar a unas personas. Invitamos una familia a tomar las charlas otra ves y ellos dijeron que si.

Q. ¿Cómo va la obra?

A. Bien.

Q. ¿Tienes alguna experiencia para compartir esta semana?

A. Just tracting into the E. It was pretty sweet.

Q. ¿Quién bautizo a Stephen?

A. Se llama Thad. El es el hijo del obispo White del barrio ingles.

Q. ¿Quién le confirmo?

A. Se llama Cody . El y Thad tienen poco tiempo de ser elderes.

Q. ¿Quién le confirió y ordeno al sacerdocio?

A. El obispo White.

Q. ¿Stephen paso el sacramento este domingo?

A. Si!

Q. ¿Tienen otros listos para el agua?

A. Mas o menos. Encontramos una familia esta semana pasada! Es una familia muy padre Les hemos ensenado sobre la restauracion al usar una actividad y el DVD de la Restauracion. Vamos a tener la noche de hogar con ellos en la casa del Obispo Torres! Tambien tenemos una referencia para una familia que vive en Chattanooga. Vamos a hablar con las hermanas alli para fijar una cita. Luego necesitamos encontrar un "teamup".

Q. ¿Cómo les va con el nuevo presidente?

A. Bien. Tuvimos entrevistas el sabado pasado. El es doctor! El es muy amable y comico

Q. ¿Vieron a U. esta semana?

A. Si. Esta mas o menos por el momento. Vamos a verle otra vez esta semana.

Q. ¿Encontraron nuevos investigadores esta semana?

A. Miren arriba. Tambien encontramos un hombre que se llama A. Pero cuando fuimos de regreso el no estuvo en casa. Vamos a pasar otra vez esta semana.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

E-mail #27 of 2011 7/5/2011 Week 63

This Week We Had a Baptism!!!

Hola familia!
This week we had a baptism!!!

This past week S.R. was baptized! In our PEC meeting before church with the ward leaders the Bishop asked if S. could come early to be interviewed to receive the Aaronic Priesthood. So, we called S. and he came a little early. We confirmed him during Sacrament meeting. Then, after church we gave him the Priesthood and ordained him a Priest. I believe he will be passing the Sacrament this Sunday and shortly he will be blessing it. He is doing really well with everything!

President and Sister Griffin went home this past week. It just seems strange that they aren't here any more. But, we now have President and Sister Irion! They are from Murray, Utah. He is a doctor! We haven't actually met them yet so I don't know much about them. We will be having interviews with him this weekend so I'll tell you a little more about him next week.

Oh, so this week we have the car. Since Elder P. was behind the wheel when we wrecked I've been assigned to be the driver. It was a bit weird driving at first. The only time I've driven in the Mission was my first transfer out. But, it's going well. I've been driving super cautiously haha

We saw U. this past week. She is on vacation in Texas. We will be seeing her on Thursday. We want to focus on how she can be with her family forever. I think it's something that she wants but we need to talk with her boyfriend about them getting married.

Overall the work here is going quite well. I'm loving the mission life! It really is awesome. That's everything I can think of this week. The Church is True! I love y'all!


Elder Kreyling

Tiempo para las preguntas de mamá

Q. ¿Ya tienes un presidente nuevo? Si la respuesta es sí, has tenido cita con él?

A. Si. Es el Presidente Irion. I think that's how it's spelled.

Q. ¿Se bautizo S.R. el jueves pasado?

A. Si!!! Y fue confirmado en la reunion sacramental este domingo pasado. Tambien, el recibio el sacerdocio Aaronico.

Q. ¿Tienen nuevos bautizos planeados esta semana?

A. Esta semana no. Pero vamos a comprometer todos a bautizarse!

Q. ¿Han visitado a los otros investigadores? Están progresando?

A. Hemos tratado de visitarles pero la mayoria no estan progresando. Tenemos que dejarles.

Q. ¿Tienes alguna experiencia interesante, divertida, triste, frustrante, o espiritual que compartir con nosotros?

A. Elder P. was stung by a bee! We were driving in a members car and the windows were rolled down. Elder P. was in the front passenger seat and I was right behind him. As we were driving a bee smacked Elder P. right on the middle of his forehead. After the bee hit him it stung him. We had to take a few minutes to get him some ibuprofen and something cold to help with the swelling. We chilled with some llamas for p day yesterday. I have pics of it. The llamas belong to a member. Spiritual experience= S's Baptism!

Q. ¿y por fin, que ha pasado con los zapatos que te mande?

A. Well, first of all a member in the spanish ward gave me a nice pair of shoes so I don't need to buy a new pair anymore. Another member has brought his friend to church a couple of times and I'm going to see if he wants the shoes you sent.

Q. ¿todavía ayudan con la clase de Ingles?

A. Si.

Q. ¿Quieres que te mande las noticias de los misioneros del barrio y de Wade por dear elder?

A. Como no? Por supuesto.

Las siguientes preguntas son porque tú, eres un mensajero/representante del Señor:

Q. ¿Te cepillas los dientes por lo menos dos veces al día? En las mañanas y en las noches?

A. Claro que si.

Q. ¿Te bañas todos los días?

A. Otra vez, claro que si.

Q. ¿Usas ropa interior y calcetines limpios todos los días?

A. Lo mismo.

Q. ¿Has llevado tus trajes a la tintorería (Dry cleaner)?

A. No, vamos a hacer eso este dia de preparacion que viene.

Q. ¿Usas perfume y desodorante todos los días?

A. Claro que si.

Q. ¿Tienes preguntas para nosotros?
A. Ryan sent me a little email. Can you find out if he got the letter I sent to him a while ago? I got a letter from Sam saying she got my letter. I thought I sent that letter to her around the same time I sent one of the memory cards to ya'll. So, could it have been lost somehow as it was being sent to ya'll?